Saturday, April 30, 2011

It's Here, Truly, I Think!

All the trees, shrubs and flowers say "Spring is here". Weeds are leaping up, especially those beautiful, golden Lesser Celandines, that are uncontrollably invasive. The two little baby bunnies that were born among the polypody ferns in the center of the wild-flower garden have left for other parts, the ruts in the Party Lawn have been filled, and much clean-up has been achieved. Daffodils, Scilla and Grape Hyacinth are blooming and the wild-flower garden sports all the spring ephemerals, Dutchman's Breeches, Virginnia Bluebells, Bloodroot, and, by golly, one Troutlily - that is the second bloom in ten years of their rampant spread. And then, of course, we now have the Trillium, both red and white, the Great Merrybells and the many kinds of ferns that we have planted in the garden. for all the other daily wonders you just have to come and see for yourselves. We continue to welcome new volunteers who enjoy working to enhance a public garden as well as gardeners interested in adding some of our overflow plants to their own homes. The money earned will help us stock our new herb garden project. Linda has appointed Kasey the new manager of the Hart House garden to continue the work of our much missed friend Sheila who has moved to Nova Scotia. Kasey is a landscape professional and will work out a ten year plan that will keep the garden moving progressively toward the goal of a historical garden to compliment our historical house. Now if we can just get her voracious computer to spit out those missing pictures.

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